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Playground Melodies

English is atonal. Adults are monotonal. But the kids are all singsong

This here mocking melody has many variations—neeners, nahs, and ners. It is sung to the tune of Ring around the Rosie. The dominant interval is a Minor Third, between the G (poo) and the E (poo).

The following 2 note melody is delivered in rounds right before a game of Freeze Tag. The interval is a Whole Tone, between the E and D.

Both Nana Nana Poo Poo and Not It belong to the key C Major Pentatonic (5 note scale).

It is a happy key, for there are no semitones to create tension and longing. Most lullabies and folk diddies are in Major Pentatonic.

COMING SOON: More playground songs like “Relay”, “Challenge”, and “Farted On.”