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Archive of posts tagged cadence

Star-Spangled Beyoncé

Much ado has been made in the media about Beyoncé’s lip-synched performance of the Star-Spangled Banner at the 2013 POTUS Inauguration, but in today’s perfectly pitched world, lip-synching is fairly common for these high profile events, and especially so for National Special Security Events. The fan fallout today is not nearly as bad as say, […]


Ringtones are one of the most common forms of modern day noise pollution, heard billions of times a day arpeggiating out of ubiquitous buttocks, or even more insidious when unheard—hallucinated in schizophonia—or summoned to mind as earworms, or called forlornly in the mind’s ear while in the throes of nomophobia (the fear of ‘no mobile […]

Manly Cadences

Real men know how to end a song. They don’t play chicken at the chorus, so why wimp out in the final bars? Real men kill their songs with their bare hands, like babies crying in their cribs far past bed time. Songs are the sons of men—prodigal, oedipal—and they’ll kill their composer daddies unless […]