As the government spends billions of public funds trying to blackmail you into getting an experimental shot, everyone and their grandma is now a shill, and some celebrities are having fun with it.
Mariah Carey posted this video to her Instagram recently and I’ve bothered to notate it. There is a popular “conspiracy theory” that 5G is completely harmless because it didn’t cause Covid, so someone from the Mariah team decided to make a funny joke about the note “G6” being a vaccine side effect. Lolz all around.
Indeed Mariah does sing a high G6 as she is jabbed with an experimental substance in the video below.
Vaccine side effect: G6
Big Pharma astroturf campaigns are so much fun, especially when taxpayers foot the bill. Not one artist dares to speak out. The biggest medical experiment in human history and you’re not allowed to criticize it. Van “the Man” Morrison is the only artist I know who has been consistently anti-lockdown, probably because Sir Van is already knighted and can’t be canceled. Meanwhile, the DIY anarcho-crust bands are singing the praises of Pfizer and Moderna. Dolly Parton shamelessly parodied her own song “Jolene” with “Vaccine.” Even the President is a Big Pharma whore, no matter which president you believe in.
Everyone always hated the American healthcare system, until now. These same heroic vaccine-makers are all convicted felons, guilty of fraud, lying, maiming, murder, and the biggest lawsuits in history. They caused the opioid crisis, although no one accuses me of being an “anti-drugger” for pointing that out. Suddenly, all of these evil corporations who value profits over people have found Jesus. Amen and awomen!
The social pressure to take these vaccines is unreal, and it only took a multibillion dollar taxpayer-funded indoctrination campaign to achieve it. All the guinea pigs are taking vax selfies like it’s their civic duty. New York State is rolling out vaccine passports to get into Mets games. Normally, I don’t make public comments like this (on a music blog), but this situation is really quite insane and everyone is too scared to speak out. Luckily I have so little to lose. I will die before I let the government coerce me to take an aspirin, let alone an experimental gene therapy.
Dear reader, there is no reason to take these vaccines. They do not prevent infection or transmission. They only treat mild symptoms for a disease with a survival rate over 99.9% for most of the population. These vaccines were rushed out in a year and are not FDA-approved. Even if you get vaxxed, you will still have to muzzle up like the rest of us untouchables. The New Normal and the Great Reset aren’t going away because you sacrificed your bodily liberty. Of course, they will blame any future outbreaks on “anti-vaxxers” and not “leaky vaccines.” We’re headed for a full-on apartheid society with a permanent underclass, all controlled by the Big Tech social credit system. This ain’t some conspiracy. It’s all unfolding right now. They won’t let us out of our cages just because we do whatever they tell us. This nightmare will only end when we stop complying.